Sandals  v0.0.0
A C++ library for ODEs/DAEs integration
No Matches
Sandals::SSPRK104< N, M > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Sandals::SSPRK104< N, M >, including all inherited members.

A() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
absolute_tolerance()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
absolute_tolerance(Real t_absolute_tolerance)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
adaptive(bool t_adaptive)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
adaptive_mode()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
adaptive_solve(VectorX const &t_mesh, VectorN const &ics, Solution< N, M > &sol)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
advance(VectorN const &x_old, Real t_old, Real h_old, VectorN &x_new, Real &h_new)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
b() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
b_embedded() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
c() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
dirk_function(Integer n, VectorN const &x, Real t, Real h, MatrixK const &K, VectorN &fun) constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
dirk_jacobian(Integer n, VectorN const &x, Real t, Real h, MatrixK const &K, MatrixN &jac) constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
dirk_step(VectorN const &x_old, Real t_old, Real h_old, VectorN &x_new, Real &h_new)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
disable_adaptive_mode()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
disable_projection()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
disable_reverse_mode()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
disable_verbose_mode()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
enable_adaptive_mode()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
enable_projection()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
enable_reverse_mode()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
enable_verbose_mode()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
erk_explicit_step(VectorN const &x_old, Real t_old, Real h_old, VectorN &x_new, Real &h_new) constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
erk_implicit_function(Integer s, VectorN const &x, Real t, Real h, MatrixK const &K, VectorN &fun) constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
erk_implicit_jacobian(Integer s, VectorN const &x, Real t, Real h, MatrixK const &K, MatrixN &jac) constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
erk_implicit_step(VectorN const &x_old, Real t_old, Real h_old, VectorN &x_new, Real &h_new)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
estimate_order(std::vector< VectorX > const &t_mesh, VectorN const &ics, std::function< MatrixX(VectorX)> &sol)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
estimate_step(VectorN const &x, VectorN const &x_e, Real h_k) constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
has_system()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
info() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
info(std::ostream &os)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
irk_function(VectorN const &x, Real t, Real h, VectorK const &K, VectorK &fun) constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
irk_jacobian(VectorN const &x, Real t, Real h, VectorK const &K, MatrixJ &jac) constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
irk_step(VectorN const &x_old, Real t_old, Real h_old, VectorN &x_new, Real &h_new)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
is_dirk() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
is_embedded() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
is_erk() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
is_irk() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
m_absolute_toleranceSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_adaptiveSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_luSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_max_projection_iterationsSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_max_safety_factorSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_max_substepsSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_min_safety_factorSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_min_stepSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_newtonKSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_newtonXSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_projectionSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_projection_toleranceSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_relative_toleranceSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_reverseSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_safety_factorSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_systemSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_tableauSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
m_verboseSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
MatrixJ typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
MatrixK typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
MatrixM typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
MatrixN typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
MatrixP typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
MatrixS typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
max_projection_iterations()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
max_projection_iterations(Integer t_max_projection_iterations)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
max_safety_factor()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
max_safety_factor(Real t_max_safety_factor)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
max_substeps()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
max_substeps(Integer t_max_substeps)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
min_safety_factor()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
min_safety_factor(Real t_min_safety_factor)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
min_step()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
min_step(Real t_min_step)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
name() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
NewtonK typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
NewtonX typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
operator=(RungeKutta const &)=deleteSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >
order() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
project(VectorN const &x, Real t, VectorN &x_projected)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
project_ics(VectorN const &x, Real t, std::vector< Integer > const &projected_equations, std::vector< Integer > const &projected_invariants, VectorN &x_projected) constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
projection()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
projection(bool t_projection)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
projection_tolerance()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
projection_tolerance(Real t_projection_tolerance)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
relative_tolerance()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
relative_tolerance(Real t_relative_tolerance)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
reverse(bool t_reverse)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
reverse_mode()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
RungeKutta(const RungeKutta &)=deleteSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >
RungeKutta(Tableau< S > const &t_tableau)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
RungeKutta(Tableau< S > const &t_tableau, System t_system)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
safety_factor()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
safety_factor(Real t_safety_factor)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
solve(VectorX const &t_mesh, VectorN const &ics, Solution< N, M > &sol)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
SSPRK104()Sandals::SSPRK104< N, M >inline
SSPRK104(System t_system)Sandals::SSPRK104< N, M >inline
stages() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
step(VectorN const &x_old, Real t_old, Real h_old, VectorN &x_new, Real &h_new)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
System typedefSandals::SSPRK104< N, M >
system()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
system(System t_system)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
tableau()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
tableau() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
Time typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >
Type typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >
type() constSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
VectorK typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
VectorM typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
VectorN typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
VectorP typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
VectorS typedefSandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >private
verbose_mode()Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline
verbose_mode(bool t_verbose)Sandals::RungeKutta< 10, N, 0 >inline