Class shape

Class Documentation

class enve::shape

Shell surface geometry.

Public Functions

shape(shape const&) = default

Shape copy constructor.

shape(shape&&) = default

Shape move constructor.

shape &operator=(const shape&) = delete

Shape assignment operator.

shape &operator=(shape&&) = delete

Shape move assignment operator.

~shape(void) = default

Shape class destructor.


Shape class constructor.

shape(real r_x, real m_x, real r_y, real m_y, real l_y)

Shape class constructor.

  • r_x – Surface radius on x axis (m)

  • m_x – Surface curve degree for x axis

  • r_y – Surface radius on y axis (m)

  • m_y – Surface curve degree for y axis

  • l_y – Surface half width on y axis (m)

void copy(shape const &shape_obj)

Copy shape object.


shape_obj – Shape object to be copied

bool isApprox(shape const &shape_obj, real tolerance = EPSILON_LOW) const

Check if objects are (almost) equal.

  • shape_obj – Input object

  • tolerance – Tolerance

real const &Rx(void) const

Get shape radius on x axis const reference (m)

real const &Mx(void) const

Get shape curve degree for x axis const reference.

real const &Ry(void) const

Get shape radius on y axis const reference (m)

real const &My(void) const

Get shape curve degree for y axis const reference.

real const &Ly(void) const

Get shape half width on y axis const reference (m)

real &Rx(void)

Get shape radius on x axis reference (m)

real &Mx(void)

Get shape curve degree for x axis reference.

real &Ry(void)

Get shape radius on y axis reference (m)

real &My(void)

Get shape curve degree for y axis reference.

real &Ly(void)

Get shape surface half width on y axis reference (m)

real const &surfaceMaxRadius(void) const

Get surface maximum radius const reference (m)

real const &surfaceMaxWidth(void) const

Get surface maximum width const reference (m)

bool checkWidthBound(real y) const

Get surface maximum width on reference (m)


y – Coordinate of y axis

real surfaceRadius(real y) const

y – Coordinate of y axis

real const &surfaceWidth(void) const

Get surface width (m)

real surfaceDerivative(real y, real tolerance = EPSILON_MEDIUM) const

Get surface of revolution rib first derivative with respect to y coordinate.

  • y – Coordinate of y axis

  • tolerance – Tolerance

real surfaceAngle(real y, real tolerance = EPSILON_MEDIUM) const

Get surface of revolution rib angle with respect to y axis (rad)

  • y – Coordinate of y axis

  • tolerance – Tolerance

void print(out_stream &os) const

Print shape data.


os – Output stream type