Class triangleground

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public triangle

Class Documentation

class enve::triangleground : public triangle

Class container for the triangles for ground representation.

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<triangleground const> ptr

Pointer to object.

typedef std::vector<triangleground::ptr> vecptr

Vector of pointers to objects.

Public Functions

triangleground(triangleground const&) = delete

Triangleground copy constructor.

triangleground(triangleground&&) = delete

Triangleground move constructor.

triangleground &operator=(const triangleground&) = delete

Triangleground assignment operator.

triangleground &operator=(triangleground&&) = delete

Triangleground move assignment operator.

~triangleground(void) override = default

Triangleground class destructor.


Triangleground class constructor.

triangleground(integer id, real friction, real vertex_0_x, real vertex_0_y, real vertex_0_z, real vertex_1_x, real vertex_1_y, real vertex_1_z, real vertex_2_x, real vertex_2_y, real vertex_2_z)

Triangleground class constructor.

  • id – ID (-)

  • friction – Friction coefficient scaling factor (-)

  • vertex_0_x – First vertex x-axis component (m)

  • vertex_0_y – First vertex y-axis component (m)

  • vertex_0_z – First vertex z-axis component (m)

  • vertex_1_x – Second vertex x-axis component (m)

  • vertex_1_y – Second vertex y-axis component (m)

  • vertex_1_z – Second vertex z-axis component (m)

  • vertex_2_x – Third vertex x-axis component (m)

  • vertex_2_y – Third vertex y-axis component (m)

  • vertex_2_z – Third vertex z-axis component (m)

triangleground(integer id, real friction, point const &point_0, point const &point_1, point const &point_2)

Triangleground class constructor.

  • id – ID (-)

  • friction – Friction coefficient scaling factor (-)

  • point_0 – First vertex point (m)

  • point_1 – Second vertex point (m)

  • point_2 – Third vertex point (m)

triangleground(integer id, real friction, point const vertex[3])

Triangleground class constructor.

  • id – ID (-)

  • friction – Friction coefficient scaling factor (-)

  • vertex – Vertices points (m)

void copy(triangleground const &triangleground_obj)

Copy triangleground object.


triangleground_obj – Input object

bool isApprox(triangleground const &triangleground_obj, real tolerance = EPSILON_LOW) const

Check if objects are (almost) equal.

  • triangleground_obj – Input object

  • tolerance – Tolerance

integer const &id(void) const

Get ID const reference (-)

real const &friction(void) const

Get friction coefficent scaling factor const reference (-)

aabb const &bbox(void) const

Get axis-aligned bounding box const reference (m)

vec3 const &normal(void) const

Get unit normal const reference (-)

point const &operator[](size_t i) const

Get i-th vertex const reference (m)


i – Index

point const &vertex(size_t i) const

Get i-th vertex const reference (m)


i – Index

void print(out_stream &os) const

Print data.


os – Output stream