Class enve_flat¶
Defined in File enve_flat.m
Class Documentation¶
class enve_flat : public handle¶
Public Functions
function enve_flat(in varargin)¶
Create a new C++ pointer to ENVE flat object instance.
function getOrigin(in this, in ignoredArg)¶
Create C++ pointer to ENVE meh object instance.
Get plane origin as ACME point object
function setOrigin(in this, in other_obj, in ignoredArg)¶
Set plane origin.
function getNormal(in this, in ignoredArg)¶
Get plane normal.
function setNormal(in this, in other_obj, in ignoredArg)¶
Set plane normal.
function getPlane(in this, in ignoredArg)¶
Get plane.
function setPlane(in this, in other_obj, in ignoredArg)¶
Set plane.
function getFriction(in this, in ignoredArg)¶
Get plane friction.
function setFriction(in this, in friction, in ignoredArg)¶
Set plane friction.
function isDegenerated(in this, in ignoredArg)¶
Check if plane is degenerated.
function isApprox(in this, in other_obj, in ignoredArg)¶
Check if planes are approximatively equal.
function copy(in this, in other_obj, in ignoredArg)¶
Copy mesh object from another mesh.
function copyByHandle(in this, in handle, in ignoredArg)¶
Copy mesh object from another mesh shape.
function disp(in this, in ignoredArg)¶
Diplay object data.
function plot(in this, in figure_name, in color, in ignoredArg)¶
Plot ENVE shape object.
function type(in this, in ignoredArg)¶
Get object type as string.
Public Members
Property objectHandle¶
Class container for ENVE flat object
function enve_flat(in varargin)¶