Class enve_shell

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public handle

Class Documentation

class enve_shell : public handle

Public Functions

function enve_shell(in varargin)

Create a new C++ pointer to ENVE shell object instance.

function resize(in this, in n, in ignoredArg)

Create C++ pointer to ENVE shell object instance.

Resize shell shape with N ribs

function size(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell ribs number.

function surfaceMaxRadius(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell surface maximum radius (m)

function surfaceMaxWidth(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell surface maximum width on y axis (m)

function surfaceWidthBound(in this, in y, in ignoredArg)

Get shell surface maximum width on reference (m)

function surfaceWidth(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell surface width (m)

function surfaceRadius(in this, in y, in ignoredArg)

Get shell surface of revolution rib radius at y axis coordinate (m)

function surfaceDerivative(in this, in y, in ignoredArg)

Get shell surface of revolution rib first derivative with respect to y coordinate.

function surfaceAngle(in this, in y, in ignoredArg)

Get shell surface of revolution rib angle with respect to y axis (rad)

function ribRadius(in this, in i, in ignoredArg)

Get i-th rib radius (m)

function ribCenter(in this, in i, in ignoredArg)

Get i-th rib center as an ACME point.

function ribWidth(in this, in i, in ignoredArg)

Get i-th rib width.

function translate(in this, in vector, in ignoredArg)

Translate shell.

function translation(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell translation.

function rotate(in this, in angle, in axis, in ignoredArg)

Rotate shell by angle and axis.

function rotation(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell rotation.

function transform(in this, in matrix, in ignoredArg)

Transform shell by axis and vector.

function transformation(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell transformation.

function x(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell X axis and vector.

function y(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell Y axis and vector.

function z(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell Z axis and vector.

function eulerAngles(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell euler angles (rad) (rotation sequence ZXY)

function setupFlat(in this, in flat, in transform, in method, in ignoredArg)

Intersect shell with flat terrain.

function setupMesh(in this, in mesh, in transform, in method, in ignoredArg)

Intersect shell with mesh terrain.

function contactPointAvg(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact point as an ACME point.

function contactPointRib(in this, in i, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact point for the i-th rib as an ACME point.

function contactPointVec(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact point an ACME point vector.

function contactNormalAvg(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact normal.

function contactNormalRib(in this, in i, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact normal for the i-th rib.

function contactNormalVec(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact normal vector.

function contactDepthAvg(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact depth (m)

function contactDepthRib(in this, in i, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact depth for the i-th rib (m)

function contactDepthVec(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact depth vector (m)

function contactFrictionAvg(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact friction (-)

function contactFrictionRib(in this, in i, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact friction for the i-th rib (-)

function contactFrictionVec(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact friction vector (-)

function contactAreaAvg(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact area (m^2)

function contactAreaRib(in this, in i, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact area for the i-th rib (m^2)

function contactAreaVec(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact area vector (m^2)

function contactVolumeAvg(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact volume (m^3)

function contactVolumeRib(in this, in i, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact volume for the i-th rib (m^3)

function contactVolumeVec(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact volume vector (m^3)

function relativeAnglesAvg(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell relative angles (rad) (rotation sequence ZXY)

function relativeAnglesRib(in this, in i, in ignoredArg)

Get shell relative angles for the i-th rib (rad) (rotation sequence ZXY)

function relativeAnglesVec(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell relative angles vector (rad) (rotation sequence ZXY)

function contactPointAffineAvg(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact point affine.

function contactPointAffineRib(in this, in i, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact point affine for the i-th rib.

function contactPointAffineVec(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get shell contact point affine vector.

function disp(in this, in ignoredArg)

Display object data.

function profile(in this, in figure_name, in color, in ignoredArg)

Plot ENVE shape object profile.

function shapeTplot(in this, in T, in figure_name, in color, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot non-discretized shell shape with 4x4 affine transformation T.

function shellShape(in this, in figure_name, in color, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot “statically” non-discretized shell shape.

function plotShape(in this, in figure_name, in color, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot “dinamically” non-discretized shell shape.

function enveTplot(in this, in T, in figure_name, in color, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot discretized shell shape with 4x4 affine transformation T.

function shellEnve(in this, in figure_name, in color, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot “statically” non-discretized shell shape.

function plotEnve(in this, in figure_name, in color, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot “dinamically” non-discretized shell shape.

function ribsTplot(in this, in T, in figure_name, in color, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot discretized shell shape as ribs with 4x4 affine transformation T.

function shellRibs(in this, in figure_name, in color, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot “statically” non-discretized shell ribs shape.

function plotRibs(in this, in figure_name, in color, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot “dinamically” non-discretized shell ribs shape.

function plotSetupAvg(in this, in figure_name, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot averageresults of setup function.

function plotSetupRib(in this, in i, in figure_name, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot results of setup function for the i-th rib.

function plotSetupVec(in this, in figure_name, in scale, in ignoredArg)

Plot results of setup function for each rib.

function meshShell(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get surface object mesh grid.

function type(in this, in ignoredArg)

Get object type as string.

Public Members

Property objectHandle

Class container for ENVE shell object