Program Listing for File generate_rgb.m¶
↰ Return to documentation for file (+Indigo/+Utils/generate_rgb.m
%> Compute Rgb triple for given CSS color name. The function returns the RGB
%> (Red-Green-Blue) triple corresponding to the color name by the CSS3
%> proposed standard [1], which contains 139 different colors (an RGB triple
%> is a 1x3 vector of numbers between 0 and 1). The input color name is case
%> insensitive, and for gray colors both spellings (gray and grey) are allowed.
%> **Usage:**
%> - c = Indigo.Utils.generate_rgb('DarkRed'): returns c = [0.5430 0 0].
%> - c = Indigo.Utils.generate_rgb('Green'): returns c = [0 0.5 0].
%> - plot(x, y, 'color', generate_rgb('Orange')): plots an orange line through
%> x and y.
%> - Indigo.Utils.show_colors(): shows all the available colors.
%> **Background:**
%> The color names of [1] have already been ratified in [2], and
%> according to [3] they are accepted by almost all web browsers and are
%> used in Microsoft's .net framework. All but four colors agree with
%> the X11 colornames, as detailed in [4]. Of these the most important
%> clash is green, defined as [0 0.5 0] by CSS and [0 1 0] by X11. The
%> definition of green in Matlab matches the X11 definition and gives a
%> very light green, called lime by CSS (many users of Matlab have
%> discovered this when trying to color graphs with 'g-'). Note that
%> cyan and aqua are synonyms as well as magenta and fuchsia.
%> **About:**
%> This program is public domain and may be distributed freely.
%> Author: Kristjan Jonasson, Dept. of Computer Science, University of
%> Iceland ( June 2009.
%> **References:**
%> [1] "CSS Color module level 3", W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
%> working draft 21 July 2008,
%> [2] "Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 specification", W3C
%> recommendation 14 January 2003, edited in place 30 April 2009,
%> [3] "Web colors",
%> [4] "X11 color names"
%> \param str Color string name.
%> \return Red-Green-Blue triple.
function out = generate_rgb( str )
CMD = 'Indigo.Utils.generate_rgb(...): ';
% First time rgb is called
[num, name] = Indigo.Utils.get_colors();
name = lower(name);
num = reshape(hex2dec(num), [], 3);
% Divide most numbers by 256 for "aesthetic" reasons (green = [0 0.5 0])
I = num < 240;
% Interpolate F0-FF linearly from 240/256 to 1.0
num(I) = num(I)/256;
num(~I) = ((num(~I) - 240)/15 + 15)/16; % + 240;
% Show colors chart
if strcmpi(str, 'chart')
k = find(strcmpi(str, name)); %#ok<STLOW>
if isempty(k)
error([CMD, 'invalid color ''', str, '''.']);
out = num(k(1), :);