Program Listing for File estimate_step.m

Return to documentation for file (+Indigo/@RungeKutta/estimate_step.m)

%> Compute adaptive time step for the next advancing step according to the
%> error control method. The error control method used is the local truncation
%> error method, which is based on the following formula:
%> \f[
%> e = \sqrt{\dfrac{1}{n} \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}{n}\left(\dfrac
%>   {\mathbf{x} - \hat{\mathbf{x}}}
%>   {s c_i}
%> \right)^2}
%> \f]
%> where \f$ \mathbf{x} \f$ is the approximation of the states at computed
%> with higher order method of \f$ p \f$, and \f$ \hat{\mathbf{x}} \f$ is the
%> approximation of the states at computed with lower order method of \f$
%> \hat{p} \f$. To compute the suggested time step for the next advancing step
%> \f$ \Delta t_{k+1} \f$, The error is compared to \f$ 1 \f$ in order to find
%> an optimal step size. From the error behaviour \f$ e \approx Ch^{q+1} \f$
%> and from \f$ 1 \approx Ch_{opt}^{q+1} \f$ (where \f$ q = \min(p,\hat{p}) \f$)
%> the optimal step size is obtained as:
%> \f[
%> h_{opt} = h \left( \dfrac{1}{e} \right)^{\frac{1}{q+1}}
%> \f]
%> We multiply the previous quation by a safety factor \f$ f \f$, usually
%> \f$ f = 0.8 \f$, \f$ 0.9 \f$, \f$ (0.25)^{1/(q+1)} \f$, or \f$ (0.38)^{1/(q+1)} \f$,
%> so that the error will be acceptable the next time with high probability.
%> Further, \f$ h \f$ is not allowed to increase nor to decrease too fast.
%> So we put:
%> \f[
%> h_{new} = h \min \left( f_{max}, \max \left( f_{max}, f \left(
%>   \dfrac{1}{e} \right)^{\frac{1}{q+1}}
%> \right) \right)
%> \f]
%> for the new step size. Then, if \f$ e \leq 1 \f$, the computed step is
%> accepted and the solution is advanced to \f$ \mathbf{x} \f$ and a new step
%> is tried with \f$ h_{new} \f$ as step size. Else, the step is rejected
%> and the computations are repeated with the new step size \f$ h_{new} \f$.
%> Typially, \f$ f \f$ is set in the interval \f$ [0.8, 0.9] \f$,
%> \f$ f_{max} \f$ is set in the interval \f$ [1.5, 5] \f$, and \f$ f_{min} \f$
%> is set in the interval \f$ [0.1, 0.2] \f$.
%> \param x_h Approximation of the states at \f$ k+1 \f$-th time step \f$
%>            \mathbf{x_{k+1}}(t_{k}+\Delta t) \f$ with higher order method.
%> \param x_l Approximation of the states at \f$ k+1 \f$-th time step \f$
%>            \mathbf{x_{k+1}}(t_{k}+\Delta t) \f$ with lower order method.
%> \param d_t Actual advancing time step \f$ \Delta t\f$.
%> \return The suggested time step for the next advancing step \f$ \Delta
%>         t_{k+1} \f$.
function out = estimate_step( this, x_h, x_l, d_t )

  CMD = "Indigo.RungeKutta.estimate_step(...): ";

  assert(length(x_h) == length(x_l), ...
    [CMD, "x_h and x_l must have the same length"]);

  % Compute the error with 2-norm
  r = (x_h - x_l) ./ (this.m_A_tol + this.m_R_tol*max(abs(x_h), abs(x_l)));
  e = max(abs(r));

  % Compute the suggested time step
  q   = this.m_order + 1;
  out = d_t * min(this.m_factor_max, max( ...
    this.m_factor_min, this.m_safety_factor*(1/e)^(1/q) ...