Sandals  v0.0.0
A C++ library for ODEs/DAEs integration
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NSandalsThe namespace for the Sandals library
 CChebyshev51Class container for the 5-stage Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev order 1 method
 CChebyshev51TableauButcher tableau for the 5-stage Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev order 1 method
 CExplicitClass container for the system of explicit ODEs
 CExplicitEulerClass container for the Explicit Euler method
 CExplicitEulerTableauButcher tableau for the Explicit Euler method
 CFehlberg45Class container for the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 4(5) method
 CFehlberg45TableauButcher tableau for the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 4(5) method
 CGaussLegendre2Class container for the Gauss-Legendre order 2 method
 CGaussLegendre2TableauButcher Tableau for the Gauss-Legendre order 2 method
 CGaussLegendre4Class container for the Gauss-Legendre order 4 method
 CGaussLegendre4TableauButcher Tableau for the Gauss-Legendre order 4 method
 CGaussLegendre6Class container for the Gauss-Legendre order 6 method
 CGaussLegendre6TableauButcher tableau for the Gauss-Legendre order 6 method
 CHeun2Class container for the Heun's (or 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta) order 2 method
 CHeun2TableauButcher tableau for the Heun's (or 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta) order 2 method
 CHeun3Class container for the Heun's order 3 method
 CHeun3TableauButcher tableau for the Heun's order 3 method
 CImplicitClass container for the system of implicit ODEs/DAEs
 CImplicitEulerClass container for the Implicit Euler method
 CImplicitEulerTableauButcher tableau for the Implicit Euler method
 CLinearClass container for the system of linear ODEs/DAEs
 CLobattoIIIA2Class container for the Lobatto IIIA order 2 method
 CLobattoIIIA2TableauButcher tableau for the Lobatto IIIA order 2 method
 CMTE22Class container for the minimal truncation error (or Ralston's) order 2 method
 CMTE22TableauButcher tableau for the minimal truncation error (or Ralston's) order 2 method
 CRadauIIA3Class container for the Radau IIA order 3 method
 CRadauIIA3TableauButcher tableau for the Radau IIA order 3 method
 CRadauIIA5Class container for the Radau IIA order 5 method
 CRadauIIA5TableauButcher tableau for the Radau IIA order 3 method
 CRalston2Class container for the Ralston's (or minimal truncation error) order 2 method
 CRalston2TableauButcher tableau for the Ralston's (or minimal truncation error) order 2 method
 CRalston3Class container for the Ralston's order 3 method
 CRalston3TableauButcher tableau for the Ralston's order 3 method
 CRalston4Class container for the Ralston's order 4 method
 CRalston4TableauButcher tableau for the Ralston's order 4 method
 CRK4Class container for the Runge-Kutta order 4 method
 CRK4TableauButcher tableau for the Runge-Kutta order 4 method
 CRungeKuttaClass container for the generic implicit, explicit, and diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta methods
 CSemiExplicitClass container for the system of explicit ODEs/DAEs
 CSolutionClass container for the numerical solution of a system of ODEs/DAEs
 CSSPIRK33Class container for the 3-stage diagonally-implicit strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method
 CSSPIRK33TableauButcher tableau for the 3-stage diagonally-implicit strong-stability preserving Runge-Kuttax order 3 method
 CSSPRK104Class container for the 10-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 4 method
 CSSPRK104TableauButcher tableau for the 10-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 4 method
 CSSPRK22Class container for the 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta (or Heun) order 2 method
 CSSPRK22starClass container for the optimal 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 2 method
 CSSPRK22starTableauButcher tableau for the optimal 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 2 method
 CSSPRK22TableauButcher tableau for the 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta (or Heun) order 2 method
 CSSPRK33Class container for the 3-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method
 CSSPRK33TableauButcher tableau for the 3-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method
 CSSPRK42Class container for the 4-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 2 method
 CSSPRK42TableauButcher tableau for the 4-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 2 method
 CSSPRK43Class container for the 4-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method
 CSSPRK43TableauButcher tableau for the 4-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method
 CSSPRK93Class container for the 9-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method
 CSSPRK93TableauButcher tableau for the 9-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method
 CTableauStruct container for the Butcher tableau of a Runge-Kutta method
 CTicTocClass container for a timer