A C++ library for ODEs/DAEs integration
The namespace for the Sandals library. More...
Classes | |
class | Chebyshev51 |
Class container for the 5-stage Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev order 1 method. More... | |
class | Chebyshev51Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the 5-stage Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev order 1 method. More... | |
class | Explicit |
Class container for the system of explicit ODEs. More... | |
class | ExplicitEuler |
Class container for the Explicit Euler method. More... | |
class | ExplicitEulerTableau |
Butcher tableau for the Explicit Euler method. More... | |
class | Fehlberg45 |
Class container for the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 4(5) method. More... | |
class | Fehlberg45Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 4(5) method. More... | |
class | GaussLegendre2 |
Class container for the Gauss-Legendre order 2 method. More... | |
class | GaussLegendre2Tableau |
Butcher Tableau for the Gauss-Legendre order 2 method. More... | |
class | GaussLegendre4 |
Class container for the Gauss-Legendre order 4 method. More... | |
class | GaussLegendre4Tableau |
Butcher Tableau for the Gauss-Legendre order 4 method. More... | |
class | GaussLegendre6 |
Class container for the Gauss-Legendre order 6 method. More... | |
class | GaussLegendre6Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the Gauss-Legendre order 6 method. More... | |
class | Heun2 |
Class container for the Heun's (or 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta) order 2 method. More... | |
class | Heun2Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the Heun's (or 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta) order 2 method. More... | |
class | Heun3 |
Class container for the Heun's order 3 method. More... | |
class | Heun3Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the Heun's order 3 method. More... | |
class | Implicit |
Class container for the system of implicit ODEs/DAEs. More... | |
class | ImplicitEuler |
Class container for the Implicit Euler method. More... | |
class | ImplicitEulerTableau |
Butcher tableau for the Implicit Euler method. More... | |
class | Linear |
Class container for the system of linear ODEs/DAEs. More... | |
class | LobattoIIIA2 |
Class container for the Lobatto IIIA order 2 method. More... | |
class | LobattoIIIA2Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the Lobatto IIIA order 2 method. More... | |
class | MTE22 |
Class container for the minimal truncation error (or Ralston's) order 2 method. More... | |
class | MTE22Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the minimal truncation error (or Ralston's) order 2 method. More... | |
class | RadauIIA3 |
Class container for the Radau IIA order 3 method. More... | |
class | RadauIIA3Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the Radau IIA order 3 method. More... | |
class | RadauIIA5 |
Class container for the Radau IIA order 5 method. More... | |
class | RadauIIA5Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the Radau IIA order 3 method. More... | |
class | Ralston2 |
Class container for the Ralston's (or minimal truncation error) order 2 method. More... | |
class | Ralston2Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the Ralston's (or minimal truncation error) order 2 method. More... | |
class | Ralston3 |
Class container for the Ralston's order 3 method. More... | |
class | Ralston3Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the Ralston's order 3 method. More... | |
class | Ralston4 |
Class container for the Ralston's order 4 method. More... | |
class | Ralston4Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the Ralston's order 4 method. More... | |
class | RK4 |
Class container for the Runge-Kutta order 4 method. More... | |
class | RK4Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the Runge-Kutta order 4 method. More... | |
class | RungeKutta |
Class container for the generic implicit, explicit, and diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta methods. More... | |
class | SemiExplicit |
Class container for the system of explicit ODEs/DAEs. More... | |
struct | Solution |
Class container for the numerical solution of a system of ODEs/DAEs. More... | |
class | SSPIRK33 |
Class container for the 3-stage diagonally-implicit strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method. More... | |
class | SSPIRK33Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the 3-stage diagonally-implicit strong-stability preserving Runge-Kuttax order 3 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK104 |
Class container for the 10-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 4 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK104Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the 10-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 4 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK22 |
Class container for the 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta (or Heun) order 2 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK22star |
Class container for the optimal 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 2 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK22starTableau |
Butcher tableau for the optimal 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 2 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK22Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the 2-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta (or Heun) order 2 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK33 |
Class container for the 3-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK33Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the 3-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK42 |
Class container for the 4-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 2 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK42Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the 4-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 2 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK43 |
Class container for the 4-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK43Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the 4-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK93 |
Class container for the 9-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method. More... | |
class | SSPRK93Tableau |
Butcher tableau for the 9-stage strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta order 3 method. More... | |
struct | Tableau |
Struct container for the Butcher tableau of a Runge-Kutta method. More... | |
class | TicToc |
Class container for a timer. More... | |
Typedefs | |
using | Real = double |
using | Integer = int |
using | Vector0 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 0> |
using | Matrix0 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 0, 0> |
using | Vector1 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 1> |
using | Matrix1 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 1, 1> |
using | Vector2 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 2> |
using | Matrix2 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 2, 2> |
using | Vector3 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 3> |
using | Matrix3 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 3, 3> |
using | Vector4 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 4> |
using | Matrix4 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 4, 4> |
using | Vector5 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 5> |
using | Matrix5 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 5, 5> |
using | Vector6 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 6> |
using | Matrix6 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 6, 6> |
using | Vector7 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 7> |
using | Matrix7 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 7, 7> |
using | Vector8 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 8> |
using | Matrix8 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 8, 8> |
using | Vector9 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 9> |
using | Matrix9 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 9, 9> |
using | VectorX = Eigen::Vector<Real, Eigen::Dynamic> |
using | MatrixX = Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> |
Functions | |
std::string | Info () |
void | Info (std::ostream &os) |
Variables | |
static Real const | EPSILON = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon() |
static Real const | SQRT_EPSILON = std::sqrt(EPSILON) |
static Real const | CBRT_EPSILON = std::cbrt(EPSILON) |
static Real const | EPSILON_HIGH = Real(1.0e-12) |
static Real const | EPSILON_MEDIUM = Real(1.0e-10) |
static Real const | EPSILON_LOW = Real(1.0e-08) |
static Real const | INFTY = std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity() |
static Real const | QUIET_NAN = std::numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN() |
static Real const | PI = Real(3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197) |
static Real const | PIMUL2 = Real(6.283185307179586476925286766559005768394) |
static Real const | PIDIV2 = Real(1.570796326794896619231321691639751442098) |
static Real const | DEG2RAD = Real(0.017453292519943295769236907684886127134) |
static Real const | RAD2DEG = Real(57.29577951308232087679815481410517033240) |
static Vector1 const | NAN_VEC1 = Vector1::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Matrix1 const | NAN_MAT1 = Matrix1::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Vector1 const | ZEROS_VEC1 = Vector1::Zero() |
static Matrix1 const | ZEROS_MAT1 = Matrix1::Zero() |
static Vector1 const | ONES_VEC1 = Vector1::Ones() |
static Matrix1 const | ONES_MAT1 = Matrix1::Ones() |
static Matrix1 const | IDENTITY_MAT1 = Matrix1::Identity() |
static Vector2 const | NAN_VEC2 = Vector2::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Matrix2 const | NAN_MAT2 = Matrix2::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Vector2 const | ZEROS_VEC2 = Vector2::Zero() |
static Matrix2 const | ZEROS_MAT2 = Matrix2::Zero() |
static Vector2 const | ONES_VEC2 = Vector2::Ones() |
static Matrix2 const | ONES_MAT2 = Matrix2::Ones() |
static Matrix2 const | IDENTITY_MAT2 = Matrix2::Identity() |
static Vector3 const | NAN_VEC3 = Vector3::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Matrix3 const | NAN_MAT3 = Matrix3::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Vector3 const | ZEROS_VEC3 = Vector3::Zero() |
static Matrix3 const | ZEROS_MAT3 = Matrix3::Zero() |
static Vector3 const | ONES_VEC3 = Vector3::Ones() |
static Matrix3 const | ONES_MAT3 = Matrix3::Ones() |
static Matrix3 const | IDENTITY_MAT3 = Matrix3::Identity() |
static Vector4 const | NAN_VEC4 = Vector4::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Matrix4 const | NAN_MAT4 = Matrix4::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Vector4 const | ZEROS_VEC4 = Vector4::Zero() |
static Matrix4 const | ZEROS_MAT4 = Matrix4::Zero() |
static Vector4 const | ONES_VEC4 = Vector4::Ones() |
static Matrix4 const | ONES_MAT4 = Matrix4::Ones() |
static Matrix4 const | IDENTITY_MAT4 = Matrix4::Identity() |
static Vector5 const | NAN_VEC5 = Vector5::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Matrix5 const | NAN_MAT5 = Matrix5::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Vector5 const | ZEROS_VEC5 = Vector5::Zero() |
static Matrix5 const | ZEROS_MAT5 = Matrix5::Zero() |
static Vector5 const | ONES_VEC5 = Vector5::Ones() |
static Matrix5 const | ONES_MAT5 = Matrix5::Ones() |
static Matrix5 const | IDENTITY_MAT5 = Matrix5::Identity() |
static Vector6 const | NAN_VEC6 = Vector6::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Matrix6 const | NAN_MAT6 = Matrix6::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Vector6 const | ZEROS_VEC6 = Vector6::Zero() |
static Matrix6 const | ZEROS_MAT6 = Matrix6::Zero() |
static Vector6 const | ONES_VEC6 = Vector6::Ones() |
static Matrix6 const | ONES_MAT6 = Matrix6::Ones() |
static Matrix6 const | IDENTITY_MAT6 = Matrix6::Identity() |
static Vector7 const | NAN_VEC7 = Vector7::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Matrix7 const | NAN_MAT7 = Matrix7::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Vector7 const | ZEROS_VEC7 = Vector7::Zero() |
static Matrix7 const | ZEROS_MAT7 = Matrix7::Zero() |
static Vector7 const | ONES_VEC7 = Vector7::Ones() |
static Matrix7 const | ONES_MAT7 = Matrix7::Ones() |
static Matrix7 const | IDENTITY_MAT7 = Matrix7::Identity() |
static Vector8 const | NAN_VEC8 = Vector8::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Matrix8 const | NAN_MAT8 = Matrix8::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Vector8 const | ZEROS_VEC8 = Vector8::Zero() |
static Matrix8 const | ZEROS_MAT8 = Matrix8::Zero() |
static Vector8 const | ONES_VEC8 = Vector8::Ones() |
static Matrix8 const | ONES_MAT8 = Matrix8::Ones() |
static Matrix8 const | IDENTITY_MAT8 = Matrix8::Identity() |
static Vector9 const | NAN_VEC9 = Vector9::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Matrix9 const | NAN_MAT9 = Matrix9::Constant(QUIET_NAN) |
static Vector9 const | ZEROS_VEC9 = Vector9::Zero() |
static Matrix9 const | ZEROS_MAT9 = Matrix9::Zero() |
static Vector9 const | ONES_VEC9 = Vector9::Ones() |
static Matrix9 const | ONES_MAT9 = Matrix9::Ones() |
static Matrix9 const | IDENTITY_MAT9 = Matrix9::Identity() |
The namespace contains all the classes and functions of the Sandals library.
using Sandals::Integer = int |
Integer number type.
using Sandals::Matrix0 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 0, 0> |
\( 0 \times 0 \) matrix of Real number type.
using Sandals::Matrix1 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 1, 1> |
\( 1 \times 1 \) matrix of Real number type.
using Sandals::Matrix2 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 2, 2> |
\( 2 \times 2 \) matrix of Real number type.
using Sandals::Matrix3 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 3, 3> |
\( 3 \times 3 \) matrix of Real number type.
using Sandals::Matrix4 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 4, 4> |
\( 4 \times 4 \) matrix of Real number type.
using Sandals::Matrix5 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 5, 5> |
\( 5 \times 5 \) matrix of Real number type.
using Sandals::Matrix6 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 6, 6> |
\( 6 \times 6 \) matrix of Real number type.
using Sandals::Matrix7 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 7, 7> |
\( 7 \times 7 \) matrix of Real number type.
using Sandals::Matrix8 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 8, 8> |
\( 8 \times 8 \) matrix of Real number type.
using Sandals::Matrix9 = Eigen::Matrix<Real, 9, 9> |
\( 9 \times 9 \) matrix of Real number type.
using Sandals::MatrixX = Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> |
\( N \times N \) matrix of Real number type.
using Sandals::Real = double |
Real number type.
using Sandals::Vector0 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 0> |
\( 0 \times 1 \) vector of Real number type (column vector).
using Sandals::Vector1 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 1> |
\( 1 \times 1 \) vector of Real number type (column vector).
using Sandals::Vector2 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 2> |
\( 2 \times 1 \) vector of Real number type (column vector).
using Sandals::Vector3 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 3> |
\( 3 \times 1 \) vector of Real number type (column vector).
using Sandals::Vector4 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 4> |
\( 4 \times 1 \) vector of Real number type (column vector).
using Sandals::Vector5 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 5> |
\( 5 \times 1 \) vector of Real number type (column vector).
using Sandals::Vector6 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 6> |
\( 6 \times 1 \) vector of Real number type (column vector).
using Sandals::Vector7 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 7> |
\( 7 \times 1 \) vector of Real number type (column vector).
using Sandals::Vector8 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 8> |
\( 8 \times 1 \) vector of Real number type (column vector).
using Sandals::Vector9 = Eigen::Vector<Real, 9> |
\( 9 \times 1 \) vector of Real number type (column vector).
using Sandals::VectorX = Eigen::Vector<Real, Eigen::Dynamic> |
\( N \times 1 \) vector of Real number type (column vector).
std::string Sandals::Info | ( | ) |
void Sandals::Info | ( | std::ostream & | os | ) |
Print Sandals library information on a stream.
[in] | os | Output stream. |
Cubic root of machine epsilon epsilon static constant value.
The value of \( \pi/180 \).
Machine epsilon epsilon static constant value.
High precision epsilon static constant value.
Medium precision epsilon static constant value.
static |
Identity \( 1 \times 1 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Identity \( 2 \times 2 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Identity \( 3 \times 3 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Identity \( 4 \times 4 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Identity \( 5 \times 5 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Identity \( 6 \times 6 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Identity \( 7 \times 7 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Identity \( 8 \times 8 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Identity \( 9 \times 9 \) matrix static constant object.
Infinity static constant value.
Not-a-number \( 1 \times 1 \) matrix static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 2 \times 2 \) matrix static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 3 \times 3 \) matrix static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 4 \times 4 \) matrix static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 5 \times 5 \) matrix static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 6 \times 6 \) matrix static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 7 \times 7 \) matrix static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 8 \times 8 \) matrix static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 9 \times 9 \) matrix static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 1 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 2 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 3 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 4 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 5 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 6 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 7 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 8 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
Not-a-number \( 9 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 1 \times 1 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 2 \times 2 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 3 \times 3 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 4 \times 4 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 5 \times 5 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 6 \times 6 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 7 \times 7 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 8 \times 8 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 9 \times 9 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 1 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 2 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 3 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 4 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 5 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 6 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 7 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 8 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Ones \( 9 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
Pi static constant value.
The value of \( \pi/2 \).
The value of \( 2\pi \).
Not-a-number static constant value.
The value of \( 180/\pi \).
Square root of machine epsilon epsilon static constant value.
static |
Zeros \( 1 \times 1 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 2 \times 2 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 3 \times 3 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 4 \times 4 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 5 \times 5 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 6 \times 6 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 7 \times 7 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 8 \times 8 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 9 \times 9 \) matrix static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 1 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 2 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 3 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 4 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 5 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 6 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 7 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 8 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.
static |
Zeros \( 9 \times 1 \) vector static constant object.