General Features¶
For both C++ library and MATLAB mex interface, ACME geometrical entities are organised in classes with the following structure:
virtual class entity;
class none < entity;
class point < Eigen::Matrix, entity;
class line < entity;
class ray < entity;
class plane < entity;
class segment < entity;
class triangle < entity;
class disk < entity;
class ball < entity;
class collection;
class aabb;
class AABBtree;
where the symbol < indicates the public inheritance. Let us get a closer and detailed look to each of these classes.
Class entity¶
The entity class is the most basic class. Its aim is to provide a common framework from which to develop more specific geometric entities. For this reason it is a pure virtual class with no members. The virtual methods aimed to check the nature of the geometric entity itself are the following:
virtual method type which returns a std::string type;
virtual method isEntity which returns a bool type;
virtual method isNone which returns a bool type;
virtual method isPoint which returns a bool type;
virtual method isLine which returns a bool type;
virtual method isRay which returns a bool type;
virtual method isPlane which returns a bool type;
virtual method isSegment which returns a bool type;
virtual method isTriangle which returns a bool type;
virtual method isDisk which returns a bool type;
virtual method isBall which returns a bool type;
virtual method isClampable which returns a bool type;
virtual method clamp which returns maximum aminimum values alog the three axes.
Class none¶
The none class is a publicly inherited class from entity. Its aim is to represent nothing than nothing. If the C++ polymorphic behaviour is exploited this class will represent the null intersection between objects. The none class is a non-abstract class with no members. The implemented methods only override the virtual ones defined in the base class entity.
Class line¶
The line class publicly inherit from entity and it represents a line the 3D space. It is built out of two members:
an origin point, represented by a member of type point;
a direction in the space, represented by a member of type vec3.
The implemented methods are:
operator=: equality operator;
isApprox: check if lines are (almost) equal;
isDegenerated: check if line is degenerated (direction vector has zero norm);
origin: return line origin point;
origin: set line origin point;
direction: return line direction vector;
direction: set line direction vector;
normalize: normalise line direction vector;
toVector: convert line to vector;
toNormalizedVector: convert line to normalised vector;
reverse: reverse line direction;
translate: translate line by vector;
transform: transform line with affine transformation matrix;
isInside: check whether the point is inside the line.
Class ray¶
The ray class publicly inherit from entity and it represents a ray the 3D space. It is very similar to the line class and it built out of two members:
an origin point, represented by a member of type point;
a direction in the space, represented by a member of type vec3.
The implemented methods are:
operator=: equality operator;
isApprox: check if ray are (almost) equal;
isDegenerated: check if ray is degenerated (direction vector has zero norm);
origin: return ray origin point;
origin: set ray origin point;
direction: return ray direction vector;
direction: set ray direction vector;
normalize: normalise ray direction vector;
toVector: convert ray to vector;
toNormalizedVector: convert ray to normalised vector;
reverse: reverse ray direction;
translate: translate ray by vector;
transform: transform ray with affine transformation matrix;
isInside: check whether the point is inside the ray.
Class plane¶
The plane class publicly inherit from entity and it represents a generic plane the 3D space. It is built out of two members:
an origin point, represented by a member of type point;
a normal vector in the space, represented by a member of type vec3.
The implemented methods are:
operator=: equality operator;
isApprox: check if plane are (almost) equal;
isDegenerated: check if plane is degenerated (normal vector has zero norm);
origin: return plane origin point;
origin: set plane origin point;
normal: return plane normal vector;
normal: set plane normal vector;
normalize: normalise plane direction vector;
toVector: convert plane to vector;
toNormalizedVector: convert plane to normalised vector;
reverse: reverse plane direction;
translate: translate plane by vector;
transform: transform plane with affine transformation matrix;
isInside: check whether the point is inside the plane;
d: return plane equation d value (ax + by + cz + d = 0);
distance: distance between point and plane;
squaredDistance: squared distance between point and plane;
signedDistance: signed distance between point and plane.
Class segment¶
The segment class publicly inherit from entity and represents a generic segment the 3D space. It is built out of two vertices, represented by members of type point.
The implemented methods are:
operator=: equality operator;
isApprox: check if segment are (almost) equal;
isDegenerated: check if segment is degenerated (vertices coincide);
vertex: return segment vertex point;
vertex: set segment vertex point;
centroid: return segment centroid;
toVector: convert segment to vector;
toNormalizedVector: convert segment to normalised vector;
swap: swap segment vertices;
clamp: resize minimum aabb containing the segment object
length: calculate segment length;
translate: translate segment by vector;
transform: transform segment with affine transformation matrix;
isInside: check whether the point is inside the segment.
Class triangle¶
The triangle class publicly inherit from entity and represents a generic triangle the 3D space. It is built out of three vertices, represented by members of type point.
The implemented methods are:
operator=: equality operator;
isApprox: check if triangle are (almost) equal;
isDegenerated: check if triangle is degenerated (two or more vertices coincide);
vertex: return triangle vertex point;
vertex: set triangle vertex point;
vertices: return triangle vertices points;
vertices: set triangle vertices points;
centroid: return triangle centroid;
normal: get triangle face normal (normalized vector);
edge: return triangle edge created by i-th and j-th vertices;
swap: swap triangle i-th and j-th vertices;
clamp: resize minimum aabb containing the triangle object
perimeter: calculate triangle perimeter;
area: calculate triangle area;
barycentric: calculate barycentric coordinates (u,v,w) for a given point;
layingPlane: get triangle laying plane;
translate: translate triangle by vector;
transform: transform triangle with affine transformation matrix;
isInside: check whether the point is inside the triangle.
Class disk¶
The disk class publicly inherit from entity and represents a generic disk the 3D space. It is built out of three members:
a radius, represented by a member of type real;
a center point, represented by a member of type point;
a normal to the face, represented by a member of type vec3.
The implemented methods are:
operator=: equality operator;
isApprox: check if disk are (almost) equal;
isDegenerated: check if radius is degenerated (radius is zero and normal vector has zero norm);
radius: return disk radius;
radius: set disk radius;
center: return disk center point;
center: set disk center point;
normal: return disk normal vector;
normal: set disk normal vector;
normalize: get normalize disk normal vector;
layingPlane: get disk laying plane;
reverse: reverse disk normal vector;
clamp: resize minimum aabb containing the disk object
perimeter: calculate disk perimeter;
area: calculate disk area;
translate: translate disk by vector;
transform: transform disk with affine transformation matrix;
isInside: check whether the point is inside the disk.
Class ball¶
The ball class publicly inherit from entity and represents a generic ball the 3D space. It is built out of three members:
a radius, represented by a member of type real;
a center point, represented by a member of type point.
The implemented methods are:
operator=: equality operator;
isApprox: check if ball are (almost) equal;
isDegenerated: check if radius is degenerated (radius is zero and normal vector has zero norm);
radius: return ball radius;
radius: set ball radius;
center: return ball center point;
center: set ball center point;
clamp: resize minimum aabb containing the ball object
area: calculate ball external surface area;
volume: calculate ball volume;
translate: translate ball by vector;
transform: transform ball with affine transformation matrix;
isInside: check whether the point is inside the ball.
Class collection¶
The class collection represents a generic set of geometrical entites. It is built out of two members:
a vector of shared pointers to entity objects of the type std::vector<std::shared_ptr<entity>>.
a bounding volume hierarcy tree of the type AABBtree of the type std::shared_ptr<AABBtree>.
The implemented methods are specifically designed to intersect a large number numer of eninties with only few commands. thus, it is very useful with large sets of heteregeneous objects. Moreover, implemented methods also include sorting, counting and removal of specific ojects types. Additional objects can be pushed back or subtituted with already exixting ones.
Class aabb¶
The class aabb represents a generic axis-aligned bounding box in the 3D space. It is built out of two members:
a minimum point, represented by a member of type point;
a maximum point, represented by a member of type point.
The implemented methods are:
operator=: equality operator;
isApprox: check if aabb are (almost) equal;
isDegenerated: check if radius is degenerated (radius is zero and normal vector has zero norm);
max: return aabb maximum point;
max: set aabb maximum point;
min: return aabb minimum point;
min: set aabb minimum point;
centerDistance: return aabb center distance from point;
exteriorDistance: return aabb exterior distance from point;
merged: return aabb merged with another aabb;
center: set aabb center point;
normal: return aabb normal vector;
normal: set aabb normal vector;
id: return aabb identfication number;
id: set aabb identfication number;
pos: return aabb position number;
pos: set aabb position number;
intersects: check if two aabbs intersects.
Notice that aabb is bot considered to be a geometrical entity and thus there are no external functions implemented for intersections with the other geometrical entities.
Class AABBtree¶
The AABBtree represents a generic axis-aligned bouding box tree class container. It is built out of two members:
a pointer to the tree itself, represented by a member of type aabb::ptr;
a vector of pointers to the tree sub-structure, represented by a member of type std::vector<AABBtree::ptr>.
The implemented methods are:
clear: clear AABB tree data;
isEmpty: check if AABB tree is empty;
build: build AABB tree given a list of boxes;
print: print AABB tree data;
collision: template function to check if two AABB tree collide;
intersection: compute all the intersection leafs of AABB trees.
Objects defined by the previous classes can interact between them through external functions defined in acme namespace. These functions are:
Intersection: it allows to intersect two elements or just check if two geometric entities collide;
IsParallel: check if two geometric entities are parallel;
IsOrthogonal: check if two geometric entities are orthogonal;
IsCollinear: check if two geometric entities are collinear;
IsCoplanar: check if two geometric entities are coplanar.
Each of these functions are overloaded and they can take objects or raw pointers to entity as input.