MATLAB Toolbox¶
The interface is Object Oriented and you find the following objects in the library:
Mex/MATLAB Interface Installation¶
In directory src_mex you find the C++ implementation of
the proposed algorithm with mex interface.
The easy way to build mex/MATLAB interface is to download
the compiled Toolbox at
and install it.
After installation in Matlab run the command CompileACMELib
If you want to compile the toolbox by yourself
cd toolbox
ruby populate_toolbox.rb
run Matlab and from the command windows of MATLAB:
cd toolbox
then compile toolbox and install.
Object none¶
The none class is represents nothing than nothing. If the polymorphic behaviour is exploited this class will represent the null intersection between objects.
% Build an ACME none objects
N1 = acme_none();
N2 = acme_none();
% Copy none object from another none
N1.copy( N2 );
% Display object data
% Get object type as string
Object point¶
The point object represents a point the 3D space.
% Build an ACME point objects in the position `[x,y,z]`
P1 = acme_point( [x, y, z]' );
P2 = acme_point( x, y, z );
% Copy none object from another none
P1.copy( P2 );
% Display object data
% Get object type as string
% Get point X axis component
x = P1.getX();
% Get point Y axis component
y = P1.getY();
% Get point Z axis component
z = P1.getZ();
% Get point axes components
V1 = P1.get();
% Set point X axis component
P1.setX( x );
% Set point Y axis component
P1.setY( y );
% Set point Z axis component
P1.setZ( z );
% Set point axes components `[x,y,z]`
P1.set( [x, y, z]' );
P1.set( x, y, z );
% Translate point by vector `[x,y,z]`
P1.translate( [x, y, z]' );
% Transform point by 4x4 affine transformation matrix
P1.transform( matrix );
% Check if point is parallel to an ACME object
B1 = P1.isParallel( P2 );
% Check if point is orthogonal to an ACME object
B1 = P1.isOrthogonal( P2 );
% Check if point is colrayar to an ACME object
B1 = P1.isColrayar( P2 );
% Check if point is coplanar to an ACME object
B1 = P1.isCoplanar( P2 );
% Intersect point with an ACME object
P1 = P2.intersection( P2 );
Object line¶
The line object represents a line the 3D space.
% Build ACME line objects given origin `[ox,oy,oz]` and direction `[dx,dy,dz]`
L1 = acme_line( [ox, oy, oz]', [dx, dy, dz]' );
L2 = acme_line( ox, oy, oz, dx, dy, dz );
% Copy none object from another none
L1.copy( L2 );
% Display object data
% Get object type as string
% Get line origin as ACME point object
P1 = L1.getOrigin();
% Get line direction
V1 = L1.getDirection();
% Set line origin with an ACME point object
L1.setOrigin( P )
% Set line direction as `[x, y, z]`
L1.setDirection( [x, y, z]' )
% Translate line by vector `[x, y, z]`
L1.translate( [x, y, z]' );
% Transform line by 4x4 affine transformation matrix
L1.transform( matrix );
% Check if ACME point is inside the line
B1 = L1.isInside( P );
% Check if line is degenerated
B1 = L1.isDegenerated();
% Check if lines are approximatively equal
B1 = L1.isApprox( L2 );
% Normalize direction vector
% Transform line to vector
v1 = L1.toVector();
% Transform line to normalized vector
v1 = L1.toNormalizedVector();
% Swap line direction
% Check if line is parallel to an ACME object
B1 = L1.isParallel( L2 );
% Check if line is orthogonal to an ACME object
B1 = L1.isOrthogonal( L2 );
% Check if line is collinear to an ACME object
B1 = L1.isCollinear( L2 );
% Check if line is coplanar to an ACME object
B1 = L1.isCoplanar( L2 );
% Intersect line with an ACME object
P1 = L2.intersection( L2 );
Object ray¶
The ray object represents a ray the 3D space.
% Build ACME ray objects given origin `[ox,oy,oz]` and direction `[dx,dy,dz]`
R1 = acme_ray( [ox, oy, oz]', [dx, dy, dz]' );
R2 = acme_ray( ox, oy, oz, dx, dy, dz );
% Copy ray object from another ray
R1.copy( R2 );
% Display object data
% Get object type as string
% Get ray origin as ACME point object
P1 = R1.getOrigin();
% Get ray direction
V1 = R1.getDirection();
% Set ray origin with an ACME point object
R1.setOrigin( P )
% Set ray direction as `[x, y, z]`
R1.setDirection( [x, y, z]' )
% Translate ray by vector `[x, y, z]`
R1.translate( [x, y, z]' );
% Transform ray by 4x4 affine transformation matrix
R1.transform( matrix );
% Check if ACME point is inside the ray
B1 = R1.isInside( P );
% Check if ray is degenerated
B1 = R1.isDegenerated();
% Check if rays are approximatively equal
B1 = R1.isApprox( R2 );
% Normalize direction vector
% Transform ray to vector
v1 = R1.toVector();
% Transform ray to normalized vector
v1 = R1.toNormalizedVector();
% Swap ray direction
% Check if ray is parallel to an ACME object
B1 = R1.isParallel( R2 );
% Check if ray is orthogonal to an ACME object
B1 = R1.isOrthogonal( R2 );
% Check if ray is colrayar to an ACME object
B1 = R1.isColrayar( R2 );
% Check if ray is coplanar to an ACME object
B1 = R1.isCoplanar( R2 );
% Intersect ray with an ACME object
P1 = R2.intersection( R2 );
Object plane¶
The plane object represents a plane the 3D space.
% Build ACME plane objects given origin `[ox,oy,oz]` and normal `[nx,ny,nz]`
R1 = acme_plane( [ox, oy, oz]', [nx, ny, nz]' );
R2 = acme_plane( ox, oy, oz, nx, ny, nz );
% Copy plane object from another plane
P1.copy( P2 );
% Display object data
% Get object type as string
% Get plane origin as ACME point object
P1 = P1.getOrigin();
% Get plane normal
V1 = L1.getNormal();
% Set plane origin with an ACME point object
P1.setOrigin( P )
% Set plane normal as `[x, y, z]`
P1.setNormal( [x, y, z]' )
% Translate plane by vector `[x, y, z]`
P1.translate( [x, y, z]' );
% Transform plane by 4x4 affine transformation matrix
P1.transform( matrix );
% Check if ACME point is inside the plane
B1 = P1.isInside( P );
% Check if plane is degenerated
B1 = P1.isDegenerated();
% Check if planes are approximatively equal
B1 = P1.isApprox( P2 );
% Normalize direction vector
% Distance between an ACME point and plane
d = P1.distance( self, other_obj )
% Squared distance between an ACME point and plane
d = P1.squaredDistance( self, other_obj )
% Signed distance between an ACME point and plane
d = P1.signedDistance( self, other_obj )
% Transform line to normalized vector
v1 = P1.toNormalizedVector();
% Swap line direction
% Check if line is parallel to an ACME object
B1 = P1.isParallel( P2 );
% Check if line is orthogonal to an ACME object
B1 = P1.isOrthogonal( P2 );
% Check if line is collinear to an ACME object
B1 = P1.isCollinear( P2 );
% Check if line is coplanar to an ACME object
B1 = P1.isCoplanar( P2 );
% Intersect line with an ACME object
L1 = P1.intersection( P2 );
Object segment¶
The segment object represents a segment the 3D space.
% Build ACME segment objects given pointd `[px,py,pz]` and `[dx,dy,dz]`
R1 = acme_segment( [px, py, pz]', [dx, dy, dz]' );
R2 = acme_segment( px, py, pz, dx, dy, dz );
% Copy segment object from another segment
S1.copy( P2 );
% Display object data
% Get object type as string
% Get segment vertex 1 as ACME point object
P = S1.getVertex1();
% Get segment vertex 2 as ACME point object
P = S1.getVertex2();
% Set segment vertex 1 with an ACME point object
S1.setVertex1( P );
% Set segment vertex 2 with an ACME point object
S1.setVertex2( P );
% Translate segment by vector `[x, y, z]`
S1.translate( [x, y, z]' );
% Transform segment by 4x4 affine transformation matrix
S1.transform( matrix );
% Check if ACME point is inside the segment
B1 = S1.isInside( P );
% Check if segment is degenerated
B1 = S1.isDegenerated();
% Get segment centroid as ACME point objecty instance
P = S1.centroid();
% Check if segments are approximatively equal
B1 = S1.isApprox( S2 );
% Transform segment to normalized vector
V1 = S1.toNormalizedVector();
% Swap segment vertices
% Get segment minimum and maximum points of object instance
[out1, out2] = S1.clamp();
% Get segment length
L = S1.length();
% Check if segment is parallel to an ACME object
B1 = S1.isParallel( S2 );
% Check if segment is orthogonal to an ACME object
B1 = S1.isOrthogonal( S2 );
% Check if segment is collinear to an ACME object
B1 = S1.isCollinear( S2 );
% Check if segment is coplanar to an ACME object
B1 = S1.isCoplanar( S2 );
% Intersect segment with an ACME object
P1 = S1.intersection( S2 );
Object triangle¶
The triangle object represents a triangle the 3D space.
% Build ACME triangle objects given pointd `[px,py,pz]` and `[dx,dy,dz]`
T1 = acme_triangle( [px, py, pz]', [dx, dy, dz]' );
T2 = acme_triangle( px, py, pz, dx, dy, dz );
% Copy triangle object from another triangle
T1.copy( T2 );
% Display object data
% Get object type as string
% Get triangle vertex 1 as ACME point object
P = T1.getVertex1();
% Get triangle vertex 2 as ACME point object
P = T1.getVertex2();
% Get triangle vertex 3 as ACME point object
P = T1.getVertex3();
% Set triangle vertex 1 with an ACME point object
T1.setVertex1( P );
% Set triangle vertex 2 with an ACME point object
T1.setVertex2( P );
% Set triangle vertex 3 with an ACME point object
T1.setVertex3( P );
% Translate triangle by vector `[x, y, z]`
T1.translate( [x, y, z]' );
% Transform triangle by 4x4 affine transformation matrix
T1.transform( matrix );
% Check if ACME point is inside the triangle
B1 = T1.isInside( P );
% Check if triangle is degenerated
B1 = T1.isDegenerated();
% Get triangle centroid as ACME point objecty instance
P = T1.centroid();
% Check if triangles are approximatively equal
B1 = T1.isApprox( T2 );
% Get triangle normal
N = T1.normal();
% Get triangle laying plane
P1 = T1.layingPlane();
% SGet triangle i-th edge
% Swap triangle i-th and j-th vertex
% Get triangle minimum and maximum points of object instance
[out1, out2] = T1.clamp();
% Get triangle perimeter
P = T1.perimeter();
% Get triangle area
A = T1.area();
% Check if triangle is parallel to an ACME object
B1 = T1.isParallel( T2 );
% Check if triangle is orthogonal to an ACME object
B1 = T1.isOrthogonal( T2 );
% Check if triangle is collinear to an ACME object
B1 = T1.isCollinear( T2 );
% Check if triangle is coplanar to an ACME object
B1 = T1.isCoplanar( T2 );
% Intersect triangle with an ACME object
L1 = T1.intersection( T2 );
Object disk¶
The disk object represents a disk the 3D space.
% Build ACME disk objects given radius `r`, center `[ox,oy,oz]` and normal `[nx,ny,nz]`
D1 = acme_disk( r, [ox, oy, oz]', [nx, ny, nz]' );
D2 = acme_disk( r, ox, oy, oz, nx, ny, nz );
% Copy disk object from another disk
D1.copy( D2 );
% Display object data
% Get object type as string
%> Get disk radius
R = D1.getRadius();
%> Get disk center as ACME point object
C = D1.getCenter();
%> Get disk normal
N = D1.getNormal();
% Set disk radius
D1.setRadius( R );
% Set disk center with an ACME point object
D1.setCenter( P );
% Set disk normal as `[x, y, z]`
D1.setNormal( `[x, y, z]` );
% Translate disk by vector `[x, y, z]`
D1.translate( [x, y, z]' );
% Transform disk by 4x4 affine transformation matrix
D1.transform( matrix );
% Check if ACME point is inside the disk
B1 = D1.isInside( P );
% Check if disk is degenerated
B1 = D1.isDegenerated();
% Check if disks are approximatively equal
B1 = D1.isApprox( T2 );
% Normalize disk normal vector
% Get disk laying plane
P1 = D1.layingPlane();
% Reverse disk normal direction
% Get disk minimum and maximum points of object instance
[out1, out2] = D1.clamp();
% Get disk perimeter
P = D1.perimeter();
% Get disk area
A = D1.area();
% Check if disk is parallel to an ACME object
B1 = D1.isParallel( D2 );
% Check if disk is orthogonal to an ACME object
B1 = D1.isOrthogonal( D2 );
% Check if disk is collinear to an ACME object
B1 = D1.isCollinear( D2 );
% Check if disk is coplanar to an ACME object
B1 = D1.isCoplanar( D2 );
% Intersect disk with an ACME object
S1 = D1.intersection( D2 );
Object ball¶
The ball object represents a ball the 3D space.
% Build ACME ball objects given radius `r` and center `[ox,oy,oz]`
B1 = acme_ball( r, [ox, oy, oz]' );
B2 = acme_ball( r, ox, oy, oz );
% Copy ball object from another ball
B1.copy( B2 );
% Display object data
% Get object type as string
%> Get ball radius
R = B1.getRadius();
%> Get ball center as ACME point object
C = B1.getCenter();
%> Get ball normal
N = B1.getNormal();
% Set ball radius
B1.setRadius( R );
% Set ball center with an ACME point object
B1.setCenter( P );
% Set ball normal as `[x, y, z]`
B1.setNormal( `[x, y, z]` );
% Translate ball by vector `[x, y, z]`
B1.translate( [x, y, z]' );
% Transform ball by 4x4 affine transformation matrix
B1.transform( matrix );
% Check if ACME point is inside the ball
B1 = B1.isInside( P );
% Check if ball is degenerated
B1 = B1.isDegenerated();
% Check if balls are approximatively equal
B1 = B1.isApprox( T2 );
% Normalize ball normal vector
% Get ball laying plane
P1 = B1.layingPlane();
% Reverse ball normal direction
% Get ball minimum and maximum points of object instance
[out1, out2] = B1.clamp();
% Get ball perimeter
P = B1.perimeter();
% Get ball area
A = B1.area();
% Check if ball is parallel to an ACME object
B1 = B1.isParallel( B2 );
% Check if ball is orthogonal to an ACME object
B1 = B1.isOrthogonal( B2 );
% Check if ball is collinear to an ACME object
B1 = B1.isCollinear( B2 );
% Check if ball is coplanar to an ACME object
B1 = B1.isCoplanar( B2 );
% Intersect ball with an ACME object
S1 = B1.intersection( B2 );
Object aabb¶
The aabb object represents a aabb the 3D space.
% Build ACME aabb objects given maximum `[Mx,My,Mz]` point and minimum point `[mx,my,mz]`
B1 = acme_aabb( [Mx, My, Mz]', [mx, my, mz]' );
B2 = acme_aabb( Mx, My, Mz, mx, my, mz );
% Copy aabb object from another aabb
B1.copy( B2 );
% Display object data
% Get object type as string
% Check if ACME point is inside the aabb
B1 = B1.isInside( P );
% Check if aabb is degenerated
B1 = B1.isDegenerated();
% Check if aabbs are approximatively equal
B1 = B1.isApprox( T2 );
% Return aabb id
ID =;
% Return aabb position
POS = B1.pos();
% Perform intersection with another ACME entity and return intersection object
B3 = B1.intersection( B2 );
% PCheck if aabb intersects with another ACME entity and return boolean
B3 = B1.intersects( B2 );