Class rib

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public disk

Class Documentation

class enve::rib : public disk

Rib for wheel representation.

Public Functions

rib(rib const&) = default

Rib copy constructor.

rib(rib&&) = default

Rib move constructor.

rib &operator=(const rib&) = delete

Rib assignment operator.

rib &operator=(rib&&) = delete

Rib move assignment operator.

~rib(void) override = default

Rib class destructor.


Rib class constructor.

rib(integer id, real radius, real y, real width, real angle)

Rib class constructor.

  • id – ID (-)

  • radius – Radius (m)

  • y – Laying plane (-)

  • width – Width (m)

  • angle – inclination angle (rad)

void copy(rib const &rib_obj)

Copy rib object.


rib_obj – Input object

bool isApprox(rib const &rib_obj, real tolerance = EPSILON_LOW) const

Check if objects are (almost) equal.

  • rib_obj – Input object

  • tolerance – Tolerance

integer &id(void)

Get ID reference (-)

integer const &id(void) const

Get ID const reference (-)

real &width(void)

Get width coefficient scaling factor reference (m)

real const &width(void) const

Get width coefficent scaling factor const reference (m)

real &angle(void)

Get angle coefficient scaling factor reference (rad)

real const &angle(void) const

Get angle coefficent scaling factor const reference (rad)

bool envelop(affine const &pose, output &out) const

Evaluate rib contact with no ground.

  • pose – Input 4x4 affine transformation pose

  • out – Rib contact parameters output

bool envelop(triangleground::vecptr const &ground, affine const &pose, std::string const method, output &out) const

Evaluate rib contact with flat ground.

  • ground – Local triangles candidate list

  • pose – Input 4x4 affine transformation pose

  • method – Enveloping model (choose from: “geometric” or “sampling”)

  • out – Rib contact parameters output

bool envelop(ground::flat const &ground, affine const &pose, std::string const method, output &out) const

Evaluate rib contact with flat ground.

  • ground – Local flat ground object

  • pose – Input 4x4 affine transformation pose

  • method – Enveloping model (choose from: “geometric” or “sampling”)

  • out – Rib contact parameters output