Class acme_plane¶
Defined in File acme_plane.m
Inheritance Relationships¶
Base Type¶
public acme_entity
(Class acme_entity)
Class Documentation¶
class acme_plane : public acme_entity¶
Public Functions
function acme_plane(varargin)¶
Create a new C++ pointer to plane object instance.
Class container for ACME plane object
virtual function type()¶
Delete C++ pointer to plane object instance.
Get object type as string
function getOrigin()¶
Get plane origin as ACME point object.
function getNormal()¶
Get plane normal.
function setOrigin(other_obj)¶
Set plane origin with an ACME point object.
function setNormal(other_obj)¶
Set plane normal.
function copy(other_obj)¶
Copy plane object from another plane.
function copyByHandle(handle)¶
Copy plane object from another plane handle.
function translate(other_obj)¶
Translate plane by vector.
function transform(varargin)¶
Transform plane by 4x4 affine transformation matrix.
function isInside(other_obj)¶
Check if ACME point is inside the plane.
function isDegenerated()¶
Check if plane is degenerated.
function isApprox(other_obj)¶
Check if planes are approximatively equal.
function normalize()¶
Normalize normal vectoe.
function distance(other_obj)¶
Distance between an ACME point and plane.
function squaredDistance(other_obj)¶
Squared distance between an ACME point and plane.
function signedDistance(other_obj)¶
Signed distance between an ACME point and plane.
function toNormalizedVector()¶
Transform plane to normalized vector.
function reverse()¶
Swap plane vertices.
function isParallel(other_obj)¶
Check if plane is parallel to an ACME object.
function isOrthogonal(other_obj)¶
Check if plane is orthogonal to an ACME object.
function isColplanear(other_obj)¶
Check if plane is colplanear to an ACME object.
function isCoplanar(other_obj)¶
Check if plane is coplanar to an ACME object.
function intersection(other_obj)¶
Intersect plane with an ACME object.
function disp()¶
Display object data.
function plot(figure_name, color)¶
Plot plane object.
function acme_plane(varargin)¶