Class acme_segment¶
Defined in File acme_segment.m
Inheritance Relationships¶
Base Type¶
public acme_entity
(Class acme_entity)
Class Documentation¶
class acme_segment : public acme_entity¶
Public Functions
function acme_segment(varargin)¶
Create a new C++ pointer to segment object instance.
Class container for ACME segment object
virtual function type()¶
Delete C++ pointer to segment object instance.
Get object type as string
function getVertex1()¶
Get segment vertex 1 as ACME point object.
function getVertex2()¶
Get segment vertex 2 as ACME point object.
function setVertex1(other_obj)¶
Set segment vertex 1 with an ACME point object.
function setVertex2(other_obj)¶
Set segment vertex 2 with an ACME point object.
function copy(other_obj)¶
Copy segment object from another segment.
function copyByHandle(handle)¶
Copy segment object from another segment handle.
function translate(other_obj)¶
Translate segment by vector.
function transform(varargin)¶
Transform segment by 4x4 affine transformation matrix.
function isInside(other_obj)¶
Check if ACME point is inside the segment.
function isDegenerated()¶
Check if segment is degenerated.
function isApprox(other_obj)¶
Check if segments are approximatively equal.
function centroid()¶
Get segment centroid as ACME point objecty instance.
function toVector()¶
Transform segment to vector.
function toNormalizedVector()¶
Transform segment to normalized vector.
function swap()¶
Swap segment vertices.
function clamp()¶
Get segment minimum and maximum points of object instance.
function length()¶
Get segment length.
function isParallel(other_obj)¶
Check if segment is parallel to an ACME object.
function isOrthogonal(other_obj)¶
Check if segment is orthogonal to an ACME object.
function isCollinear(other_obj)¶
Check if segment is collinear to an ACME object.
function isCoplanar(other_obj)¶
Check if segment is coplanar to an ACME object.
function intersection(other_obj)¶
Intersect segment with an ACME object.
function disp()¶
Display object data.
function plot(figure_name, color)¶
Plot segment object.
function acme_segment(varargin)¶