Class plane¶
Defined in File plane.hxx
Inheritance Relationships¶
Base Type¶
public acme::entity
(Class entity)
Class Documentation¶
class acme::plane : public acme::entity¶
Plane class container.
3D plane defined by the normal vector to plane and an arbitraty point laying on the plane.
Public Types
Public Functions
~plane(void) override = default¶
Plane class destructor.
Plane class constructor.
plane(real origin_x, real origin_y, real origin_z, real normal_x, real normal_y, real normal_z)¶
Plane class constructor for plane.
- Parameters
origin_x – Input x value of plane origin point
origin_y – Input y value of plane origin point
origin_z – Input z value of plane origin point
normal_x – Input x value of plane normal vector
normal_y – Input y value of plane normal vector
normal_z – Input z value of plane normal vector
plane(point const &origin, vec3 const &normal)¶
Plane class constructor.
- Parameters
origin – Input plane origin point
normal – Input plane normal vector
bool isApprox(plane const &plane_in, real tolerance = EPSILON) const¶
Check if objects are (almost) equal.
- Parameters
plane_in – Input plane object
tolerance – Tolerance
void normalize(void)¶
Normalize plane normal vector.
real distance(point const &point_in) const¶
Distance between point and plane.
- Parameters
point_in – Input
real squaredDistance(point const &point_in) const¶
Squared distance between point and plane.
- Parameters
point_in – Input
real signedDistance(point const &point_in) const¶
Signed distance between point and plane.
- Parameters
point_in – Input
void reverse(void)¶
Reverse plane normal vector.
virtual void translate(vec3 const &vector_in) override¶
Translate plane by vector.
- Parameters
vector_in – Input translation vector
virtual void transform(affine const &affine_in) override¶
Transform plane from with affine transformation matrix.
- Parameters
affine_in – 4x4 affine transformation matrix
bool isInside(point const &point_in, real tolerance = EPSILON) const¶
Check whether a point lays on the plane.
- Parameters
point_in – Query point
tolerance – Tolerance
virtual bool isDegenerated(real tolerance = EPSILON) const override¶
Check if plane is degenerated (normal has zero norm)
- Parameters
tolerance – Tolerance
inline virtual std::string type(void) const override¶
Return object type as string.
inline virtual bool isNone(void) const override¶
Check whether the object is no entity.
inline virtual bool isPoint(void) const override¶
Check whether the object is a point.
inline virtual bool isLine(void) const override¶
Check whether the object is a line.
inline virtual bool isRay(void) const override¶
Check whether the object is a ray.
inline virtual bool isPlane(void) const override¶
Check whether the object is a plane.
inline virtual bool isSegment(void) const override¶
Check whether the object is a segment.
inline virtual bool isTriangle(void) const override¶
Check whether the object is a triangle.
inline virtual bool isDisk(void) const override¶
Check whether the object is a disk.
inline virtual bool isBall(void) const override¶
Check whether the object is a ball.
inline virtual bool isClampable(void) const override¶
Check whether in the plane is clampable.
inline virtual bool isNonClampable(void) const override¶
Check whether in the plane is non-clampable.
virtual bool clamp(vec3 &min, vec3 &max) const override¶
Get minumum and maximum values along axes.
- Parameters
min – Input minimum point
max – Input maximum point
virtual bool clamp(real &min_x, real &min_y, real &min_z, real &max_x, real &max_y, real &max_z) const override¶
Get minumum and maximum values along axes.
- Parameters
min_x – Input x value of minimum point
min_y – Input y value of minimum point
min_z – Input z value of minimum point
max_x – Input x value of maximum point
max_y – Input y value of maximum point
max_z – Input z value of maximum point
void rotate(real angle, vec3 const &axis)¶
Rotate entity by a rotation angle around an arbitrary axis.
- Parameters
angle – Input angle [rad]
axis – Input axis
inline bool isEntity(void) const¶
Check whether the object is an entity.
~plane(void) override = default¶