Class entity¶
Defined in File entity.hxx
Inheritance Relationships¶
Derived Types¶
public acme::ball
(Class ball)public acme::disk
(Class disk)public acme::line
(Class line)public acme::none
(Class none)public acme::plane
(Class plane)public acme::point
(Class point)public acme::ray
(Class ray)public acme::segment
(Class segment)public acme::triangle
(Class triangle)
Class Documentation¶
class acme::entity¶
Geometrical entity class container.
Geometrical entity in 3D space.
Subclassed by acme::ball, acme::disk, acme::line, acme::none, acme::plane, acme::point, acme::ray, acme::segment, acme::triangle
Public Types
Public Functions
virtual ~entity(void)¶
Entity class destructor.
Entity class destructor.
virtual void translate(vec3 const &input) = 0¶
Translate entity by vector.
- Parameters
input – Input translation vector
virtual void transform(affine const &matrix) = 0¶
Transform entity with affine transformation matrix.
- Parameters
matrix – 4x4 affine transformation matrix
void rotate(real angle, vec3 const &axis)¶
Rotate entity by a rotation angle around an arbitrary axis.
- Parameters
angle – Input angle [rad]
axis – Input axis
inline virtual bool isDegenerated(real tolerance = EPSILON) const = 0¶
Check if entity is degenerated.
- Parameters
tolerance – Tolerance
inline virtual std::string type(void) const = 0¶
Return object type as string.
inline bool isEntity(void) const¶
Check whether the object is an entity.
inline virtual bool isNone(void) const = 0¶
Check whether the object is no entity.
inline virtual bool isPoint(void) const = 0¶
Check whether the object is a point.
inline virtual bool isLine(void) const = 0¶
Check whether the object is a line.
inline virtual bool isRay(void) const = 0¶
Check whether the object is a ray.
inline virtual bool isPlane(void) const = 0¶
Check whether the object is a plane.
inline virtual bool isSegment(void) const = 0¶
Check whether the object is a segment.
inline virtual bool isTriangle(void) const = 0¶
Check whether the object is a triangle.
inline virtual bool isDisk(void) const = 0¶
Check whether the object is a disk.
inline virtual bool isBall(void) const = 0¶
Check whether the object is a ball.
inline virtual bool isClampable(void) const = 0¶
Check whether in the entity is clampable.
inline virtual bool isNonClampable(void) const = 0¶
Check whether in the entity is non clampable.
virtual bool clamp(vec3 &min, vec3 &max) const = 0¶
Get minumum and maximum values along axes.
- Parameters
min – Input minimum point
max – Input maximum point
virtual bool clamp(real &min_x, real &min_y, real &min_z, real &max_x, real &max_y, real &max_z) const = 0¶
Get minumum and maximum values along axes.
- Parameters
min_x – Input x value of minimum point
min_y – Input y value of minimum point
min_z – Input z value of minimum point
max_x – Input x value of maximum point
max_y – Input y value of maximum point
max_z – Input z value of maximum point
virtual ~entity(void)¶