A C++ library for optimization
▼NOptimist | Namespace for the Optimist library |
▼NFiniteDifference | |
CEpsilon | |
▼NOptimizer | Namespace for multi-dimensional optimization algorithms |
CNelderMead | Class container for the Nelder-Mead's method |
COptimizer | Class container for the multi-dimensional optimizer |
CPatternSearch | Class container for the Hooke and Jeeves Pattern Search algorithm |
▼NRootFinder | Namespace for multi-dimensional root-finding algorithms |
CBroyden | Class container for the Broyden's method |
CGreenstadt | Class container for the Greenstadt's method |
CNewton | Class container for the Newton's method |
CQuasiNewton | Class container for the QuasiNewton's method |
CRootFinder | Class container for the multi-dimensional root finder |
▼NScalarOptimizer | Namespace for scalar optimization algorithms |
CScalarOptimizer | Class container for the scalar optimizer |
▼NScalarRootFinder | Namespace for scalar root-finding algorithms |
CAlgo748 | Class container for the Algorithm 748 |
CBracketing | Class container for the Bracketing algorithms |
CChandrupatla | Class container for the Chandrupatla algorithm |
CChebyshev | Class container for the Chebyshev's method |
CHalley | Class container for the Halley's method |
CNewton | Class container for the Newton's method |
CScalarRootFinder | Class container for the scalar scalar root-finder |
CVarona | Class container for the Varona's methods |
▼NTestSet | Namespace for the Optimist library test set functions |
CBooth | Class container for the Booth function |
CBrown | Class container for the Brown badly scaled function |
CCos | Class container for the cosine function |
CCosh | Class container for the hyperbolic cosine function |
CEllipticParaboloid | Class container for the paraboloid function |
CLinear | Class container for the linear function |
CQuadratic | Class container for the quadratic function |
CRosenbrock | Class container for the extended Rosenbrock function |
CSchaffer2 | Class container for the Schaffer2 function |
CSin | Class container for the sine function |
CSinh | Class container for the hyperbolic sine function |
CCostFunction | Class container for the cost function |
CFunction | Class container for the generic function |
CScalarFunction | Class container for the scalar function |
CSolver | Class container for the generic root-finding/optimization problem solver |
CVectorFunction | Class container for the vector-valued function |