COptimist::FiniteDifference::Epsilon | |
COptimist::Function< Real, FunInDim, FunOutDim, DerivedFunction > | Class container for the generic function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, 1, 1, Cos< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarFunction< Real, Cos< Real > > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Cos< Real > | Class container for the cosine function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, 1, 1, Cosh< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarFunction< Real, Cosh< Real > > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Cosh< Real > | Class container for the hyperbolic cosine function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, 1, 1, DerivedFunction > | |
COptimist::ScalarFunction< Real, DerivedFunction > | Class container for the scalar function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, 1, 1, Linear< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarFunction< Real, Linear< Real > > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Linear< Real > | Class container for the linear function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, 1, 1, Quadratic< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarFunction< Real, Quadratic< Real > > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Quadratic< Real > | Class container for the quadratic function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, 1, 1, Sin< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarFunction< Real, Sin< Real > > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Sin< Real > | Class container for the sine function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, 1, 1, Sinh< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarFunction< Real, Sinh< Real > > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Sinh< Real > | Class container for the hyperbolic sine function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, N, 1, DerivedFunction > | |
COptimist::CostFunction< Real, N, DerivedFunction > | Class container for the cost function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, N, 1, EllipticParaboloid< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::CostFunction< Real, 2, EllipticParaboloid< Real > > | |
COptimist::TestSet::EllipticParaboloid< Real > | Class container for the paraboloid function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, N, 1, Schaffer2< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::CostFunction< Real, 2, Schaffer2< Real > > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Schaffer2< Real > | Class container for the Schaffer2 function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, N, M, Booth< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::VectorFunction< Real, 2, 2, Booth< Real > > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Booth< Real > | Class container for the Booth function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, N, M, Brown< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::VectorFunction< Real, 2, 3, Brown< Real > > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Brown< Real > | Class container for the Brown badly scaled function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, N, M, DerivedFunction > | |
COptimist::VectorFunction< Real, N, M, DerivedFunction > | Class container for the vector-valued function |
▼COptimist::Function< Real, N, M, Rosenbrock< Real, N > > | |
▼COptimist::VectorFunction< Real, N, N, Rosenbrock< Real, N > > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Rosenbrock< Real, 2 > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Rosenbrock< Real, 4 > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Rosenbrock< Real, 6 > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Rosenbrock< Real, 8 > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Rosenbrock< Real, 10 > | |
COptimist::TestSet::Rosenbrock< Real, N > | Class container for the extended Rosenbrock function |
COptimist::Solver< Real, SolInDim, SolOutDim, DerivedSolver > | Class container for the generic root-finding/optimization problem solver |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, 1, 1, Algo748< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::ScalarRootFinder< Real, Algo748< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::Bracketing< Real, Algo748< Real > > | |
COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::Algo748< Real > | Class container for the Algorithm 748 |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, 1, 1, Chandrupatla< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::ScalarRootFinder< Real, Chandrupatla< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::Bracketing< Real, Chandrupatla< Real > > | |
COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::Chandrupatla< Real > | Class container for the Chandrupatla algorithm |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, 1, 1, Chebyshev< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::ScalarRootFinder< Real, Chebyshev< Real > > | |
COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::Chebyshev< Real > | Class container for the Chebyshev's method |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, 1, 1, DerivedSolver > | |
COptimist::ScalarOptimizer::ScalarOptimizer< Real, DerivedSolver > | Class container for the scalar optimizer |
▼COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::ScalarRootFinder< Real, DerivedSolver > | Class container for the scalar scalar root-finder |
COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::Bracketing< Real, DerivedSolver > | Class container for the Bracketing algorithms |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, 1, 1, Halley< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::ScalarRootFinder< Real, Halley< Real > > | |
COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::Halley< Real > | Class container for the Halley's method |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, 1, 1, Newton< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::ScalarRootFinder< Real, Newton< Real > > | |
COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::Newton< Real > | Class container for the Newton's method |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, 1, 1, Varona< Real > > | |
▼COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::ScalarRootFinder< Real, Varona< Real > > | |
COptimist::ScalarRootFinder::Varona< Real > | Class container for the Varona's methods |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, N, 1, DerivedSolver > | |
COptimist::Optimizer::Optimizer< Real, N, DerivedSolver > | Class container for the multi-dimensional optimizer |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, N, 1, NelderMead< Real, N > > | |
▼COptimist::Optimizer::Optimizer< Real, N, NelderMead< Real, N > > | |
COptimist::Optimizer::NelderMead< Real, N > | Class container for the Nelder-Mead's method |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, N, 1, PatternSearch< Real, N > > | |
▼COptimist::Optimizer::Optimizer< Real, N, PatternSearch< Real, N > > | |
COptimist::Optimizer::PatternSearch< Real > | Class container for the Hooke and Jeeves Pattern Search algorithm |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, N, N, Broyden< Real, N > > | |
▼COptimist::RootFinder::RootFinder< Real, N, Broyden< Real, N > > | |
▼COptimist::RootFinder::QuasiNewton< Real, N, Broyden< Real, N > > | |
COptimist::RootFinder::Broyden< Real, N > | Class container for the Broyden's method |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, N, N, DerivedSolver > | |
▼COptimist::RootFinder::RootFinder< Real, N, DerivedSolver > | Class container for the multi-dimensional root finder |
COptimist::RootFinder::QuasiNewton< Real, N, DerivedSolver > | Class container for the QuasiNewton's method |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, N, N, Greenstadt< Real, N > > | |
▼COptimist::RootFinder::RootFinder< Real, N, Greenstadt< Real, N > > | |
▼COptimist::RootFinder::QuasiNewton< Real, N, Greenstadt< Real, N > > | |
COptimist::RootFinder::Greenstadt< Real, N > | Class container for the Greenstadt's method |
▼COptimist::Solver< Real, N, N, Newton< Real, N > > | |
▼COptimist::RootFinder::RootFinder< Real, N, Newton< Real, N > > | |
COptimist::RootFinder::Newton< Real, N > | Class container for the Newton's method |